Announcement! I Started an Etsy Shop! So it took me a while to work up the courage to do this, but here it is! My very own Etsy Shop. It’s still a work-in-progress getting all the little details figured out on the shop, but it’s up and running and was much simpler than I expected. Continue Reading
My Experience: Developing With Ilford Ilfosol 3
My Experience: Developing With Ilford Ilfosol 3 Developing your own film is one of the biggest upsides to shooting film – or downside – depending on how you feel about it. It’s an aspect that makes you more involved and attached to the photos you create. With many different developers and methods out there, the Continue Reading
Letting Go Of The Olympus Stylus Epic
Letting Go Of The Olympus Stylus Epic In keeping with my last article of deciding whether or not a material is right for me, the same question can be applied to your tools as well: in this case, a camera. Anyone who is remotely interested in photography knows that the options for cameras is truly Continue Reading
Is Kodak Portra 400 Right For Me?
Is Kodak Portra 400 Right For Me? Kodak Portra 400 is – for most people – the go-to for color film. So many YouTubers, bloggers and podcasters sing it’s praises, and rightfully so. From the results I’ve seen from people and myself, it’s a beautiful film. It’s no wonder that it has become a favorite Continue Reading
My Experience: An Olympus OM-G (OM20) Review
My Experience: An Olympus OM-G (OM20) Review It’s where it all began… The first film camera I started with was my dad’s Olympus OM-G. I spoke briefly of this in my very first blog post – one I can’t make myself go back and read. I remember my dad’s camera from my youth, playing around, Continue Reading
Shooting: Kodak Ektar At Golden Hour
Shooting: Kodak Ektar At Golden Hour We’re running out of time… If you’re a photographer in Canada, then like me, you might be feeling the impending doom of winter. With the change in season seemingly overnight, the sudden realization of how much time I have left before it snows really dawned on me. I’m not Continue Reading
Fixing Light Seals On The Cheap
Fixing Light Seals On The Cheap Our cameras are getting old: That’s just a fact. With that age comes the deterioration of certain parts and materials. One of the most common of these are light seals. My Light Seal Issue Often times when you find an old camera, whether it’s been sitting for years or Continue Reading
Shooting: The Canon T70 And Fujicolor Press 800
Shooting: The Canon T70 And Fujicolor Press 800 I’ve recently acquired this interesting SLR from a friend of mine. He found it on kijiji, along with a pile of other goodies. To make sure the camera was working, he popped in a roll of Fujicolor Press 800 that the seller had. When I got it, Continue Reading
My Experience: Developing With Cinestill Df96 Monobath
My Experience: Developing With Cinestill Df96 Monobath As I’ve meantioned multiple times on the site, I’ve been developing my black and white film with Cinestill’s monobath: Df96. For many, including myself, this developer has been such a blessing for dipping into the self-developing world. There are so many developers out there, it can be overwhelming Continue Reading