My Experience: Shooting Squares For The First Time With The Yashica A Up until this point, the only film I’ve ever handled was 35mm. This is the case for many first time film photographers. 35mm is far more accessible, affordable, and easier to get developed at local labs. It’s the family format. So taking step Continue Reading
Shooting: The Canon T70 And Fujicolor Press 800
Shooting: The Canon T70 And Fujicolor Press 800 I’ve recently acquired this interesting SLR from a friend of mine. He found it on kijiji, along with a pile of other goodies. To make sure the camera was working, he popped in a roll of Fujicolor Press 800 that the seller had. When I got it, Continue Reading
My Experience: Developing With Cinestill Df96 Monobath
My Experience: Developing With Cinestill Df96 Monobath As I’ve meantioned multiple times on the site, I’ve been developing my black and white film with Cinestill’s monobath: Df96. For many, including myself, this developer has been such a blessing for dipping into the self-developing world. There are so many developers out there, it can be overwhelming Continue Reading
Fomapan 400 @ 200: A Drive Through The Snowy Country
Fomapan 400 @ 200: A Drive Through The Snowy Country I live on the outskirts of the city. Most of my photography is in the city, around the suburbs where I work, and occasionally downtown. There’s so many interesting nooks and crannies within a city that are begging to be seen from a new angle Continue Reading
Shooting: Kodak Tri-X and An Olympus Stylus Epic.
Shooting: Kodak Tri-X And An Olympus Stylus Epic. After my last article, I realized that I need to spend more quality time with the Stylus Epic. I feel that a lot of my issues with the camera are simply due to a lack of familiarity. Having taken some nice pictures with the Epic, I can Continue Reading
Comparison: Olympus Stylus Epic And The Minolta Big Finder Af50
Comparison: Olympus Stylus Epic And The Minolta Big Finder Af50 Compact point and shoot cameras are a thing. People love them and are spending absurd prices on these little fashion statements. While some of these cameras may be the cream of the crop and very good quality, are they really worth the prices they are Continue Reading
Shooting: A Praktica LTL And Expired Konica 400
Shooting: A Praktica LTL And Expired Konica 400 I’d like to do a little series here where I share some photos that were taken just for the fun of photography. No objective or mission in mind. Just shootin’. Pushing yourself, giving yourself limitations and trying to work within them is a great way to practice Continue Reading
First Impressions: A Fomapan 400 Review
First Impressions: A Fomapan 400 Review Having only been shooting film for a little over a year, there are so many firsts. There’s so much I haven’t even heard of and so much to learn. There is an endless list of films, cameras and techniques that I doubt I will ever get around to trying Continue Reading
My Last Roll Of Fujicolor 200, And The Edmonton Ice Castles.
My Last Roll Of Fujicolor 200, And The Edmonton Ice Castles. Film photography is full of ups and downs. For as much reward as there is in this medium, there’s also plenty of disappointments. Generally though, you’re pretty safe when shooting film. Modern emulsion technology is very reliable and it’s rare that you get a Continue Reading